It's been forever since I was last on Newgrounds.
And it's the first time I ever had any sort of interaction, other than comments and voting.
Well, life sucks.
That pretty much sums up everything that's been going on.
Fucking bullshit.
As much as I hate school, I hate weekends more.
At least, I hate them as of recent.
My uncle, whom I have literally tried to kill in the past, has spent the last few months on my couch.
I guess he didn't get the message when I whipped a knife out on him while he was snacking on the food I bought and stealing MY money.
Well, tomorrow I'll be out of the house. I won't have to look at his fucking face for six or seven hours.
I can't wait.
Being anti-social isn't that helpful in life.
But it's fags like him that make me realize that if I hung out with most of the people on this planet, I'd end up wanting to fucking kill myself.
In fact, I've already thought about it.
But then I thought about going on a murderous rampage through the streets.
Which was followed by thoughts of a murderous rampage through the streets ending in suicide.
That was my favorite.
Too bad I have common sense.
If I didn't you'd see me on the 5 o'clock news.
Later, fags.
Don't call me a fag, YOU PRlCK!!